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Market Recap 10/21/22

No real surprises on the economic or market front this week. But politics was entertaining. It’s not every year a newly installed leader of a country is ousted only weeks after taking power. More on the mess in the U.K. shortly.
Let’s touch on the...
Market Recap 9/30/22

“Only when the tide goes out that you discover who’s been swimming naked.”
This statement has been around so long it almost makes me cringe to use it. It’s attributed to Warren Buffett, but who really knows for sure? I don’t remember what I had for lu...
Market Recap 8/12/22
All the markets cared about this week was inflation. How high is it? Is the growth rate slowing? What’s it mean for policy? I’ll try and keep this quick!!
This week we had the consumer price inflation (CPI) report, the producer price numb...