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Welcome to Gemmer Asset Management LLC

Building Customized Models

Leveraging Gemmer’s 30+ years of expertise and experience 

Implementing Strategies

Unparalleled level of customization, holistic solutions and service 

Supporting Independent Financial Advisors And Their Clients

Sound investment strategies, comprehensive back-office support and high levels of personalized attention

About Us

Since 1992, we have been providing high quality, unbiased investment management services to the local Bay Area community.

We pride ourselves on the strength of the partnerships we have with advisors and, in turn, helping them partner successfully with their clients. 

Relationship Driven With High Levels Of Personalized Attention

Over 100 combined years of experience in asset allocation, mutual funds, operations, compliance and client relationships

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Built upon a rigorous, time-tested, research-driven approach that incorporates three distinct steps.
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Service For

Gives financial professionals more time and flexibility to focus on their clients and their businesses.
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Our Clients
Of Advisors

By partnering with Gemmer, your advisor has access to our expertise to help them build effective financial solutions